Hanifa Anwarzai

Adult Day Health Care

Hanifa Anwarzai, from Afghanistan, struggled with depression as an empty-nester in the United States. "I was crying," she recalls.

Seven years ago, her doctor suggested she look into Choice in Aging’s Adult Day Health Care programs in Pleasant Hill, where she befriended Afghani women contending with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Farsi-speaking staff lead the women — in their own language — through exercises, gardening, and other activities. They find satisfaction knitting scarves, sweaters, and hats, sending some to relief organizations in their home country.

This is "a second home for us," says Hanifa, 73, who now shares smiles, walks, and good times with women with similar life experiences. "They are very patient with us, very positive."

Hanifa’s story exemplifies how dedicated services empower older adults and enhance lives.

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