Many resources are available to help survivors of the Southern California wildfires. Visit for more information.
The Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) program develops coordinated networks of programs and services (No Wrong Door Systems) to serve the needs of older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers in navigating the fragmented/complicated system of long-term services and supports and achieving their personal goals and preferences for healthy aging. California Senate Bill 80 (SB 80) established the State’s first ADRC Infrastructure Grants Program which enables the California Department of Aging (CDA) to award grants to interested and qualified Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and Independent Living Centers (ILC) to 1) complete the planning and application process for designation and approval to operate as an ADRC program and 2) aid Designated ADRC programs in expanding or strengthening services for the purpose of implementing a No Wrong Door System. Local partnerships that have been approved as a Designated ADRC or an Emerging ADRC are qualified to receive funding under the ADRC Infrastructure Grants Program.
The ADRC Infrastructure Grants are intended to support eligible Emerging and Designated ADRC partnerships in developing, implementing, and sustaining a local No Wrong Door (NWD) System that enhances consumer access to existing long-term services and supports options.