Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) is a collaboration between local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) offices and Independent Living Centers (ILC) working together with a community network of public, private, and non-profit agencies to form No Wrong Door (NWD) Systems that assist individuals in navigating the complex system of long-term services and supports (LTSS).These NWD Systems assist individuals of any age, ability, and income level in navigating and accessing the full range of available LTSS options and provide objective and unbiased information, advice, counseling, and assistance.
In 2019, California Senate Bill 80 (SB 80) established the ADRC Infrastructure Grants Program which enabled the California Department of Aging (CDA) to award grants to interested and qualified AAAs and ILCs for 1) completing the planning and application process (as an Emerging ADRC) for designation and approval to operate as an ADRC program and 2) aiding Designated ADRC programs in expanding or strengthening services for the purpose of implementing a NWD System. California Assembly Bill 135 (AB 135) in 2021 continued the funding of the program.