Strategy to Create Statewide No Wrong Door/ADRC System

California’s Master Plan for Aging puts forth a vision for supporting all Californians as they age. Part of the Master Plan for Aging is a vision to create a No Wrong Door system across California. A key component of the No Wrong Door system will be achieved by the creation of local partnerships between Area Agencies on Aging and Independent Living Centers, along with additional local partners, to create Aging and Disability Resource Connections (ADRCs).

The vision for the ADRC program is that every community in California has a highly visible, reliable, and universal access point that provides information and facilitates equitable access to long-term services and supports for all Californians – older adults, people with disabilities, caregivers, and families.

Currently, local ADRCs are developing across California. (Please refer to the current map for local ADRC information.) The vision to achieve a statewide ADRC network is being implemented through continuous work on strategies and business plans that identify opportunities for expansion, along with support of current ADRCs. To learn about the current strategies and plans, please follow the links below.

ADRC Strategic Plan

Updated every few years, the ADRC Strategic Plan lays out the vision and mission for achieving a statewide No Wrong Door system. This Strategic Plan is being implemented by the ADRC Bureau, which sits at the California Department of Aging, in close coordination with the Department of Rehabilitation.

California’s ADRCs: A SWOT Assessment

From June 2022 through January 2023, the California Department of Aging (CDA) worked with Collaborative Consulting to conduct a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) assessment of the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) program. The work was funded by the Master Plan for Aging foundation partners.

Two primary goals guided the SWOT assessment:

  • To inform the strategic and operational ways CDA and other key stakeholders can achieve and sustain statewide coverage of ADRCs.
  • To inform how the ADRC program can be integrated into a broader No Wrong Door (NWD) system for long-term services and supports.

The ADRC SWOT project consisted of three overarching phases: interviews, promising practices research, and a SWOT analysis report.

Future: ADRC Business Plan

Building upon the ADRC SWOT Assessment, the California Department of Aging is working with Manatt Consulting to develop an ADRC Business Plan that will lay out a roadmap for implementing a statewide ADRC network. Stakeholder input opportunities will be announced on this page as the work progresses.