Disaster Preparedness

The California Department of Aging (CDA) administers programs that serve older adults, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and residents in long-term care facilities throughout the State. These services are provided locally by contracted agencies. This webpage is intended for those who provide, or seek to provide a variety of aging services.

Disasters generally have their greatest impact on people, who because of age, disability, income, or language, have a harder time preparing for and recovering from such events. It is imperative that Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) be prepared to assist their service population and emergency responders in the event of a disaster within their Planning and Service Area (PSA).

AAAs must prepare for disasters, and participate in disaster-assistance activities on behalf of older persons and persons with disabilities within their span of control. Though not first responders, AAAs and the State, together with community-based organizations, share a mandate to engage and prepare seniors, where possible, to secure their own safety and well-being.

  • California Code of Regulations
    • CCR Title 22, Social Security Division 1.8. California Department of Aging Chapter 4(1) Title III Program - Program and Service Provider Requirements Article II. Information and Assistance (I&A). Section 7529(a)(4):
    • CCR Title 22, Social Security Division 1.8. California Department of Aging Chapter 4(1) Title III Program - Program and Service Provider Requirements Article V. Title III C-Elderly Nutrition Program. Section 7636.1(8):
  • Older Californians Act (Welfare and Institutions Code) Section 9625 and 9716
  • California Health and Safety Code Division 2 Chapter 10 Article I Section 1771.10. Comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Plan
  • Area Plan Contract, Exhibit E, Article I. Assurances specific to this agreement, 18-21