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- June 2020
Participant Characteristics
CBAS providers submit a Participant Characteristics Report (PCR) (CDA CBAS 293) to CDA twice a year and upon request. This report includes information on a limited number of diagnoses, status/needs, and CBAS services provided for each participant. Note: CBAS providers are to report PCR information according to specific directions and definitions found by clicking on the "i" after each characteristic. The PCR information requested is documented on the participant’s Individual Plan of Care (IPC) which includes information derived from the participant’s history and physical form submitted by the participant’s physician and the participant’s assessments completed by the multidisciplinary team (MDT).
The data below reflects statewide aggregate totals of these specific data points. County and center-specific PCR data is available here.
For more information on the definitions of the individual data fields, see the PCR form and instructions on the CBAS webpage.
For more information about the IPC, see the Eligibility and Service Authorization information on the CBAS webpage.
Source: Participant Characteristics Report (PCR) (CDA CBAS 293)
Submission Period: June 2020
Total Participants
A table of total participant
Total Enrolled Participants |
35,442 |
Medi-Cal Participants |
32,882 |
Private Pay Participants |
2,560 |
A table of diagnoses
ada |
Dementia ada |
Intellectually / Developmentally Disabled ada |
Mental Disorder ada |
No. of Participants |
8,881 |
2,505 |
18,132 |
% of Total |
25% |
7% |
51% |
A table of Status/Needs
ada |
No. of Participants |
% of Total |
Psychiatric Medications ada |
15,460 |
44% |
Behavioral Symptoms ada |
6,196 |
17% |
Requires Ambulation Assistance ada |
5,669 |
16% |
Requires Bathing Assistance ada |
21,583 |
61% |
Requires Dressing Assistance ada |
15,091 |
43% |
Requires Toileting Assistance ada |
5,133 |
14% |
Requires Self-Feeding Assistance ada |
2,727 |
8% |
Requires Transferring Assistance ada |
7,947 |
22% |
Requires Assistance Accessing Resources ada |
33,295 |
94% |
Requires Hygiene Assistance ada |
13,495 |
38% |
Requires Meal Preparation Assistance ada |
31,498 |
89% |
Requires Medication Management Assistance ada |
23,064 |
65% |
Requires Money Management Assistance ada |
25,939 |
73% |
Requires Transportation Assistance ada |
30,931 |
87% |
High Fall Risk ada |
16,988 |
48% |
Uses Walker/Cane/Wheelchair ada |
21,788 |
61% |
Hearing/Vision Deficits ada |
26,702 |
75% |
Communication Deficits ada |
1,988 |
6% |
Speaks English ada |
8,983 |
25% |
CBAS Services Provided
A list of CBAS Services Provided
ada |
Special Diet ada |
Group/Individual Psych Services ada |
Speech Services ada |
Prescribed Medications Administered at Center ada |
Self-Administers Medications at Center ada |
Restorative PT and/or OT ada |
Skilled Nursing Services ada |
No. of Participants |
24,091 |
9,672 |
1,348 |
2,023 |
2,034 |
6,618 |
13,427 |
% of Total |
68% |
27% |
4% |
6% |
6% |
19% |
38% |
Click here for statewide Participant Characteristics data