Community-Based Services Programs

Program Code

The Community-Based Services Programs (CBSP) program code is 3905.

Program Description

State General Fund support for the following CBSPs has been eliminated. Statutory authority for these programs continues under Chapter 7.5 of the Older Californians Act (Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 9542 - 9547).

Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Center Program

The Alzheimer’s Day Care Resource Center Program provided funds to enhance adult day services providers’ dementia care capacity (e.g., enhanced staffing, specialized training, etc.). Adults with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia received specialized care to address cognitive impairment and such related behaviors as agitation and wandering. Family caregivers received respite and the support necessary to continue to provide care.

Brown Bag Program

The Brown Bag Program provided surplus and donated food to low-income adults aged 60 or older. Resources not spent on food enabled eligible participants to purchase such other necessities as medication and utilities.

Foster Grandparent Program

The Foster Grandparent Program engaged low-income volunteers aged 60 or older in providing support and one-on-one assistance to children and youth in a variety of community settings. Volunteers served up to 40 hours per week and received a tax-exempt stipend and other benefits.

Linkages Program

The Linkages Program provided care management to adults aged 18 or older with functional impairments and at risk of institutional placement.

Respite Purchase of Services Program

The Respite Purchase of Services Program provided limited funding to purchase respite services for the primary caregivers of adults aged 18 or older at risk of institutional placement.

Senior Companion Program

The Senior Companion Program engaged low-income volunteers aged 60 or older in providing support and one-on-one assistance to adults with physical, emotional, or mental health needs in a variety of community and institutional settings. Volunteers served up to 40 hours per week and received a tax-exempt stipend and other benefits.

Program Fact Sheets - Statewide

Program Fact Sheets - Local Level