Dignity at Home Fall Prevention Program

Program Code

The program code for the Dignity at Home Fall Prevention Program is 3900100.

Program Description

The Dignity at Home Fall Prevention Program provides grants to Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to provide fall and injury prevention information, education, referral services, equipment, assessments, services, materials and labor costs to the eligible service population.

The eligible service population includes individuals who are sixty (60) years of age or persons with disabilities, whose adjusted household income does not exceed 80 percent of the area median income and who are at risk of falling or institutionalization.

Program services include:
  • Information and education about injury prevention to older adults and persons with disabilities.
  • Referrals and provision of fall and injury prevention resources in eligible individuals’ local communities.
  • In-home environmental assessments.
  • Instruction on behavioral, physical, and environmental aspects of injury prevention.
  • Purchase of injury prevention equipment, services, materials, and labor costs.

Program Benefits

The Dignity at Home Fall Prevention Program was established for the purpose of reducing the number of debilitating falls suffered by older adults and persons with disabilities, thus, enabling older adults and persons with disabilities to live independently and safely in their home environment for as long as possible.

Program Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Requirement

60 and older or persons with disabilities of any age


Adjusted household income may not exceed 80 percent of the area median income


Must be at risk of falling or institutionalization

Program Funding

Funding Type Funding Information

California State General Funds

Allocation Formula

Not Applicable

Match Requirements

Not Applicable


Limited to 10% of funding allocation for Administration and 10% of funding allocation for Indirect Costs

Federal Fiscal Year Cycle

July 1, 2019– June 30, 2021

Program Fact Sheets - Statewide

Available Content:

Program Fact Sheets - Local Level