Elder Abuse Prevention Program

Program Code

The Older Americans Act (OAA) Title VII Elder Abuse Prevention Program (EAP) program code is 3900200.

Program Description

The OAA seeks to enable older individuals to maintain their well-being through locally developed community-based systems of services. The OAA Title VII Elder Abuse Prevention Program provides services to develop, strengthen, and implement programs for the prevention, detection, assessment, and treatment of elder abuse. Allowable activities include, but are not limited to, public education and outreach; the coordination of elder abuse prevention services with adult protective services, law enforcement, courts, and other entities; and training.

Program Benefits

The Program is designed to educate the public about how to prevent, recognize, and respond to elder abuse.

Program Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Requirement

No requirement


No requirement


No requirement

Program Funding

Funding Type Funding Information
  • OAA federal funds via Administration for Community Living (ACL)
  • Local funds
  • In-kind contributions
Allocation Formula

Intrastate Funding Formula

Match Requirements

No requirement


The FY 2008-09 Budget Act eliminated State General Fund support for this program


July 1 – June 30

Program Fact Sheets - Statewide

Available Content:

Program Fact Sheets - Local Level