Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

Program Code

The Older Americans Act (OAA) Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) program code is 3895.

Program Description

The OAA seeks to enable older individuals to maintain their well-being through locally developed, community-based systems of services. The OAA Title V SCSEP provides part-time, work-based training opportunities for older workers in local community service agencies and assists program participants in obtaining unsubsidized employment. While training in community service positions, participants provide non-profit or government "host agencies" with support to provide community services.

The Program provides participants with a variety of supportive services, such as personal and job-related counseling and job-related training as preparation for community service assignments, job search assistance, and job referrals. The California Department of Aging contracts with local providers who provide Program services and collaborates with six national SCSEP grantees who provide Program services for the remaining participant slots throughout California. Each participant training slot may serve more than one participant over the course of the year.

Program Benefits

Title V SCSEP fosters individual economic self-sufficiency and increases the number of persons who may benefit from unsubsidized employment in both the public and private sectors. Placing older individuals in community service employment training positions strengthens their ability to become self-sufficient, provides support to organizations that benefit from increased civic engagement, and strengthens the communities served by such organizations.

Program Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria Eligibility Requirement

Individuals 55 years of age or older


Must not exceed 125 percent of the federal poverty level

  • Must be a California resident, unemployed at the time of enrollment, and have poor employment prospects
  • Prospective enrollees with multiple barriers to employment will receive priority

Program Funding

Funding Type Funding Information
  • Federal funds via the Department of Labor
  • Local funds
  • In-kind contributions
Allocation Formula

Not applicable

Match Requirements

10 percent cash or in-kind donations met by CDA SCSEP contractors


Not applicable

Federal Fiscal Year Cycle

July 1 - June 30

Program Fact Sheets - Statewide

Available Content:

Program Fact Sheets - Local Level