The California Department of Aging has a long-standing legacy of supporting older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers across our state. As we look ahead to the future, we remain steadfast in our commitment to ensuring that all Californians can thrive as they age. California’s aging population is growing rapidly, and with it, the complexity of care needs is evolving. This growth demands bold action, creative solutions, and a strengthened network of services and support. Through our Strategic Plan for 2025-2028, we are charting a path forward with clear priorities: empowering people and populations, enhancing performance, and building transformative partnerships.

"Our vision is an age- and ability-inclusive California that empowers choice among all individuals. By future-readying the aging network, we will expand access to vital services, improve the quality of our programs, and foster partnerships that create lasting impact. Together, we are advancing a California for all where every individual has the opportunity to age with support and independence."

Susan DeMarois, CDA Director


An age and ability friendly California where we choose where and how we live throughout our lives.


Transform aging for individuals, families, and communities by leading innovative programs, planning, policies, and partnerships that increase choices, equity, and well-being for all Californians as we age.


Person-Centered & Outcome-Based We value people and results. We advocate for and partner with our providers, participants, and stakeholders to move together towards impactful, data-driven outcomes.

Leadership & Collaboration We lead with vision, expertise, passion, and accountability and collaborate with our internal and external partners to create a livable California for all across the lifespan.

Innovation & Inclusivity We turn ideas into meaningful solutions for individuals, families, and communities and promote the participation and perspective of all people, centering the voices of older people, people with disabilities, and family caregivers.

The 2025-2028 Strategic Plan outlines objectives
and strategies in three key areas

Strategic plan - people and polulation icon

People and Populations
Read about People
and Populations

Strategiv plan performance icon

Read about

Strategiv plan partnership icon

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