ADRC Library

Aging and Disability Resource Connections in California, whether they are designated, emerging, or interested, can find helpful resources and tools on this page. Bookmark this page, as updates are posted frequently.

  • Training and Resources
    Trainings – A Comprehesive List

    A list of available trainings known to the ADRC Branch Team in the main areas that ADRCs serve consumers, such as Options Counseling, Transition Services, No Wrong Door, and more. Please note that this list is not yet vetted by, or endorsed by, the California Department of Aging. This document is being updated frequently.

    Resources – A Comprehensive List

    A list of resources known to the ADRC Branch Team in the main areas that ADRCs serve consumers, such as Options Counseling, Transition Services, No Wrong Door, and more. Please note that this list is not yet vetted by, or endorsed by, the California Department of Aging. This document is being updated frequently.

  • ADRC Peer Promising Practices

    To assist ADRCs in bringing forward successful practices to our ADRC partnerships, the ADRC Bureau has created an ADRC Promising Practices library. ADRC Promising Practices are innovative practices implemented by ADRC partnerships that have helped to establish successful ADRC business and program methods and contributed to the development of a local No Wrong Door system. We thank our ADRC Partnerships for submitting and sharing their practices. Though these practices are not officially endorsed by CDA, they are being shared as promising practices for consideration and implementation in local ADRC partnerships. Submissions for ADRC Promising Practices are accepted throughout the year and reviewed twice a year for acceptance, recognition and posting to the ADRC Promising Practices library. For more information about specific Promising Practices, please email the contact(s) identified for each promising practice or

    • Title: Integrated Intake
      Submission: ADRC of San Francisco
      Contact: Kelly Bryant, email:
      Category: No Wrong Door, Person Centered Practices
      Identified Issue: How to develop a No Wrong Door system using Person Centered Practices with multiple partners and 13 satellite locations
      Promising Practice: Partners work together to provide consumers seamless transitions to services through a centralized intake helpline. The intake helpline is operated by social workers who conduct whole person assessments with consumers, family caregivers, and professionals who seek services for older adults and adults with disabilities.
      Results: Trained social workers provided services based on the needs of the individual via telephone, in-person meeting, or virtual connection.
    • Title: Partner Network Development
      Submission: Orange County ADRC
      Contact: Megan Granata or Marco Rodriguez, email: or
      Category: No Wrong Door
      Identified Issue: How to establish a streamlined referral process
      Promising Practice: Partners are subcontracted to provide one or more core services in their specialty areas. Collaborative practices such as utilizing an interagency online referral form, offering multiple office locations, and holding monthly program meetings for resource-sharing and problem-solving are effective in maintaining open partnership communication.
      Results: Increased awareness of available community resources among staff, strengthened partnerships, and streamlined referral process.
    • Title: Online Resource Directory
      Submission: ADRC of the Mother Lode
      Contact: Chris McCoy, email:
      Category: No Wrong Door, ADRC Service Function: Enhanced Information and Referral
      Identified Issue: How to provide information and assistance at times that are convenient
      Promising Practice: Create an online resource directory that provides information about local services and programs. Since the resource directory is online, consumers can access at any time when it is convenient for them.
      Results: Consumers have access to resources, links to programs and each core partner website.
    • Title: QR Code for the Online Resource Directory
      Submission: ADRC of the Mother Lode
      Contact: Chris McCoy, email:
      Category: Outreach and Awareness, ADRC Service Function: Enhanced Information and Referral
      Identified Issue: How to instantly share content or links
      Promising Practice: Create a Quick Response (QR) code for instant access to online resources. The QR code can easily be scanned with a smartphone or iPad, and the consumer is directed to the designated link or resource. The QR code is easily incorporated to all forms of advertising such as fliers, postcards, or business cards.
      Results: It is faster for consumers and staff to reach the online directory.
    • Title: Centralized Web-Based Platform
      Submission: Central and South Los Angeles ADRC
      Contact: Keith Miller, email:
      Category: Data Sharing
      Identified Issue: How to collaborate and avoid working in silos
      Promising Practice: Consistent and real-time collaboration and data sharing can be achieved through an adopted centralized web-based platform. Partners utilize the centralized web-based platform to intake ADRC related calls, create and update client information, and streamline referrals. The web-based platform can also track client demographics, file numbers, surveys, and coordinator assignments. Agreeing on the language and definitions within the web-based platform allows for easier coordination efforts between multiple agencies.
      Results: Users have real time information on services requested and provided, and partnership collaboration is streamlined.