Cal-COMPASS (California Community Program for Alzheimer's Services and Supports) Pilot Program

Project Description

The California Department of Aging (CDA), in partnership with seven licensed Alzheimer's Day Programs and Adult Day Health Care centers and an evaluation contractor, is creating a modernized Alzheimer’s community care model. The Cal-COMPASS pilot will serve as a learning laboratory through which to further develop best practices to prevent or delay institutionalization of persons living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, support caregivers, and advance health equity. The sites, along with CDA team members and an evaluation contractor, will help shape the model, collect participant data, and further develop best practices. Cal-COMPASS furthers the recommendations of Our Path Forward and the Master Plan for Aging.

Budget Details

Funding Source: Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
Budget: $5 million ($4.5 million allocated for program/center contracts; $300,000 for evaluation contract)
Deadline for Expenditures: September 30, 2024
Cal-COMPASS is a one-time funding opportunity with no current plans to release additional funds.

RFP Number: CC-2223-99

Application Due Date: August 31, 2022

Who is Eligible: Corporations licensed as Adult Day Program (ADP) by the California Department of Social Services; OR, as an Adult Day Health Care Center (ADHC) by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and in good standing. A license in good standing requires that a license is active and not expired, suspended, revoked, surrendered, conditioned, or otherwise in a status that in any manner restricts the activity of a licensee under the authority of the license.

RFP Documents: The RFP, attachments and addenda are available at

Proposers Conference Webinar: The recording of the Proposers Conference Webinar which occurred on August 16, 2022 can be viewed Here. A copy of the slides is also available.