No Wrong Door/Aging and Disability Resource Connections (ADRC) - OARR

Project Description

This funding supports the development and implementation of an interactive customer portal, single call platform, and learning management system for the ADRC program.

Budget Details

Funding Sources: HCBS/OARR (Older Adult Recovery and Resiliency)
Budget: $9.4 million
Deadline for Expenditure: December 31, 2024

Quarterly Status Updates 2022

Quarter 1: January - March

  • CDA submitted S1BA for the web portal project
  • CDA conducted background research on aging and disability web portal projects

Quarter 2: April - June

  • Web portal S1BA approved by the California Department of Technology and CalHHS

Quarter 3: July - September

  • CDA develops the scope, budget, and schedule for the web portal, contact center, and LMS system projects
  • CDA begins market research on web portals, contact centers, and LMS systems for Aging and Disability programs

Quarter 4: October - December

  • CDA meets with program stakeholders on business and technical requirements for web portal, call center, and LMS projects

Quarterly Status Updates 2023

Quarter 1: January - March

  • CDA develops project technical documents

Quarter 2: April - June

  • CDA develops project procurement documents

Quarter 3: July - September

  • CDA releases project solicitations

Quarter 4: October - December

  • CDA awards project contracts