Gap Analysis and Multi-Year Roadmap for Non-Medi-Cal Home and Community-Based Services

About the Gap Analysis and Multi-Year Roadmap

The California Department of Aging (CDA) commissioned a gap analysis and multi-year roadmap of non-Medi-Cal home and community-based services (HCBS). The goals of this project are to:

  • Develop an inventory of non-Medi-Cal HCBS in California
  • Develop a multi-year roadmap to advance non-Medi-Cal HCBS infrastructure statewide
  • Propose measures to monitor progress in advancing statewide HCBS infrastructure
  • Build upon the parallel work of the California Department of Health Care Service’s (DHCS) Medi-Cal gap analysis and multi-year roadmap

To meet these goals, CDA seeks input from stakeholders. Consumers, families and caregivers, providers, health plans, and other key stakeholders are invited to directly engage in each project stage as CDA works to develop a comprehensive gap analysis and multi-year roadmap. This project is an initiative of the Master Plan for Aging (MPA) and supported through a budget allocation. Mathematica and the Center for Health Care Strategies were selected as consultants for this project.

Stakeholder Engagement

To continue to promote transparency with consumers and allow the opportunity for input at every project stage, CDA and its consultants are engaging a wide range of stakeholders that use, provide, and support non-Medi-Cal HCBS in California. Engagement activities such as consumer listening sessions, public stakeholder meetings, quarterly updates, and emails/newsletters allow stakeholders the opportunity to provide commentary on the project design, findings, and recommendations.

In addition, CDA is engaging with chosen families and caregivers, advocacy organizations, community-based organizations, and tribal councils.

Upcoming Webinars

In partnership with DHCS, CDA hosts twice-yearly informational webinars on the status of the gap analysis and multi-year roadmap. During these meetings, CDA updates stakeholders on the status of the non-Medi-Cal Gap Analysis, while DHCS provides updates on its parallel Medi-Cal Gap Analysis.

To be added to the invitation list for upcoming webinars, please send an email to

The next meeting will be:
March 13, 2025, 1:00p.m-2:30p.m PT
Details Forthcoming

For individuals with disabilities, DHCS will provide free assistive devices, including language and sign-language interpretation, real-time captioning, note takers, reading or writing assistance, and conversion of training or meeting materials into braille, large print, audio, or electronic format. To request alternative format or language services, please call or write:

Department of Health Care Services
Home and Community-Based Services Policy Section
P.O. Box 997437, MS 4502
Sacramento, CA 95899-7437
Program Email:

Please Note: The range of assistive services available may be limited if requests are received less than ten working days prior to the meeting or event.


This frequently asked questions (FAQ) document provides responses to questions commonly received from stakeholders regarding both the CDA and DHCS HCBS Gap Analysis and multi-year roadmaps.


Please direct any inquiries related to the non-Medi-Cal HCBS gap analysis and multi-year roadmap to: